
“Bach-To-Rock”: How Baroque Invaded Rock Music in the ‘60s and Then Was Largely Forgotten a.k.a. my final paper for my MUSI 314 class submitted in May 2021

When the album Switched-On Bach was released by Columbia Records in 1968, it wasn’t released with the expectation of reaching mainstream popularity, much less reaching number 10 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart and additionally winning three Grammys—“for Best Read more

“Hyperpop: What a niche music subgenre can tell us about the music industry, the Internet, and contemporary culture” a.k.a. my final English major thesis submitted in May 2021

Choosing not to fix the formatting on this yet, because I’m lazy. Just copy-pasted.

Ludic, Ebullient, and Counterintuitive: An Introduction to


Two summers ago, I interned at a music venue in Houston. My title was in “DigitalMarketing,” but Read more

If I was a tumbleweed, I’d tumble into you.

Cute americana.


A playlist for almost-requited love. No real genre. There were two versions of this playlist and I wasn’t sure which to include. This is the first version–maybe I’ll consolidate them later. OutKast was right, sex is better when there’s feelings involved.

excerpt of the day: monday, february 6, 2023

We begin at the surprisingly clean apartment of a very talented friend. Dalia is sitting at her computer, working on her copywriting job, while I sit at my computer working on nothing of consequence (this). I came here because Read more

the truth’ll set you free, but first it’ll piss you off


I am depressed. My vagina has been out of commission for the past three weeks, and by Monday I will be going into a fourth week because of the bacterial vaginosis I am apparently saddled Read more

spectral for days on end these days

Any music is good music, any art is good art. You just have to be willing to make it. And leaving it unfinished for now is okay. The only thing that changes the circumstances is how much of it Read more

i wonder if you know what it means

The lady (I thought she was the landlord but turns out that’s someone else) who gave me the key to my unit in this crusty fourplex smelled vaguely like cigarettes. I thought, that’s weird, when I stalked her on Read more

losing touch with everything we can

I’ve been in a funk lately. Maybe it’s because nothing’s happening. Or I have nothing to do. Or I’m not doing anything risky. Or I’m not sticking to my routine. Or I’m eating meat.  Or maybe it’s the carbs Read more

This time, baby, promise I have learned my lesson


If you ever heard me pining after a man I was desperately obsessed with sometime in the past eight months, know that I figured out he’s a manipulative narcissist with no respect for the feelings of a woman Read more

when my mind is uncertain, my body decides

My emotions have been shot. I’m sick. Like, actually. I have a cold or something. On top of that, within the last two weeks I have experienced all five stages of grief over a relationship that wasn’t even a Read more

when the bones are good

A homicide unit showed up at work yesterday. A girl was murdered on the Strip last Friday, walking from one of the bars at around 2 AM, and the homicide unit wanted to check the security cam footage at Read more

I never thought I’d see the day I’m drinking almond milk


There are some people I know that are really good at being human. Honestly that’s the type of person I like most. People who live simply, exercise, eat healthy, cook for themselves, don’t overthink, notice small details, stuff Read more

Everything I sing, I sing for me


I’m still throwing a lot of spaghetti at the wall, to see what sticks. A habit will always beat an idea. I told myself I would journal every day for the month of December. I’m not sure what Read more

I piss away my money on this bourgeoisie coffee


Sometimes it feels like I have chronic diarrhea of the brain. Like I don’t know what’s going to come out of my mouth when I’m not paying attention. Shit just slips out sometimes. I feel like that might Read more

Can’t force a moment, can’t create the divine


A few weeks ago my dad told me that cows only face north or south when grazing. We were talking about which direction you’re supposed to sleep, like which way the head of your bed is supposed to Read more

This is how I spend my life up


Whenever I’m driving home from work at like 2 AM, I see the worst traffic accidents. A few weeks ago I saw two cars flipped over, like two giant beetles in the middle of the highway. 

Things Read more

Taking out the trash


I was working the other night and ushering people out of the venue the way it’s usually done—by standing at the door and saying “bye” or “thanks for coming” or throwing up the peace sign or sometimes people Read more

Feel my muscles hug my bones


This chick asked for a piece of my taco when I was at work the other day. She said she just wanted a little bit, from the back of it, so I tore a piece from the back Read more

You won’t get what you want


There has been a mosquito living in my room for the past four days, and honestly I was a little annoyed when I kept seeing him (at the wildlife rescue place I volunteer at they tell us to Read more