Eggphrases the word is an eggcorn of the word ekphrasis (an eggcorn is “a word or phrase that results from a mishearing or misinterpretation of another, an element of the original being substituted for one that sounds very similar or identical,” like bone apple teeth) which is a word that comes from Greek that means “the use of detailed description of a work of visual art as a literary device,” according to Google.
Eggphrases is a website. I’m not sure what it’s for, or why I have it. I know writing gives me an escape–or maybe it’s the opposite of an escape, a honing in. But in any case I needed a place for myself, and for my friends.
I believe that quantity creates quality, and being prolific is the secret to being good. Or at least the secret to using up all the time you have on this planet. “Good” is subjective anyway. This is my playground, where no one can tell me what to do or what not to do.
With love,
the staff or me or I’m staying anonymous idk