“I learned just as much from them as they learned from me. I’m a cold motherfucka though. But the people I’m with are cold too, they’re a reflection of that. Become a cold motherfucka and the motherfucka will just come like magnets.” ~Erykah Badu
In the words of my friend Ethan, I’ve been really emo lately. Which is true. I’m trying to scrub away the sadness from my recent posts to reach a state of equilibrium. “You’ve been an extremist lately,” Ethan says next to me. “A sad extremist.”
I finished a book yesterday by one of my former professors in college, called The Other Side, about how she was kidnapped and raped by her ex-boyfriend when she was 21. Her ex-boyfriend was a forty-year-old virgin grad student and was trying to kill her but she escaped, and she had to live with the trauma for the rest of her life. And she wrote a memoir, which is the book I read.
I have no idea who is reading this website–I really have no idea who you people are–but according to Google Analytics, eight people visited the website yesterday and nine people visited the website the day before yesterday, and it scares me. I feel like I have people living inside my head, or like I’m being far too vulnerable and I’m like naked or something. Like horny on main. I promise I’m fine! Like literally I’m ok. I don’t even read what I write.
Anyway, everyone is fucked up sometimes–that’s what I’m realizing day by day. Well, some people are more fucked up than other people. I wish I had more energy to say something here but I’ve got emails to respond to and local bands to look up and I keep getting distracted.
If people are going to be reading this (which at least some anonymous people are), I want it to be good. Expect quality in the future.
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